Saturday, January 23, 2010

3 Birthday Invitation Wording Co-hosted Birthday Party Invitation Wording?

Co-hosted Birthday Party Invitation Wording? - 3 birthday invitation wording

My son and 3 friends are together with a birthday celebration. Birthday aside all the boys a few days. I find it hard to write the invitations. Mothers who are co-hosting the party agree with me that we want all the guests (buying a gift for each child a total of 4 checks Huy). Instead, we want to make the guests to a unique donation. We recommend a greeting card. It will be divided equally among the cards birthday gifts for the children. We do not want to come by Rude and / or in bad taste. Suggestions?


Health-Food Junky said...

So people can not often B-day. It also seems rude to the people what to buy and do not believe that you say can not be considered impolite. Just send the "common" summon the parties and let the guests get what they want. You can write that you only gift cards or gift certificates would be appreciated. But what do you do with the money on the cards? What happens if a card is $ 25, and another only $ 5 or $ 10?

tetlitea said...

I want to send parents to their invitations to their own customers, and basically I would a birthday party along with other celebrants. When children in the same circle, and some guests are likely to receive multiple invitations. These parents really want May in order to bring gifts for each child individually.

Group gifts are hard to do if the children do not live in the same household. I would say that the parents can call on gifts for other children, then I would say about the distribution of gifts idea. You can always try, "the idea that" by another person who is not part of the family home.

tetlitea said...

I want to send parents to their invitations to their own customers, and basically I would a birthday party along with other celebrants. When children in the same circle, and some guests are likely to receive multiple invitations. These parents really want May in order to bring gifts for each child individually.

Group gifts are hard to do if the children do not live in the same household. I would say that the parents can call on gifts for other children, then I would say about the distribution of gifts idea. You can always try, "the idea that" by another person who is not part of the family home.

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